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There are a lot of terms used in CrossFit that can be confusing if you don’t know the definition. Here is a little “cheat sheet.”
Frequently used terms:
Box: Name of CrossFit gym
WOD: Workout of the Day
AMRAP: As Many Rounds or Reps as Possible.
EMOM: Every Minute on the Minute
ROM: Range of Motion
TnG: Touch and Go
Rds: Rounds
FT: For Time
D.U.: Double Unders
As Rx’d: As prescribed
BW: Body weight
Tabata: Protocol of 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest. Named after Dr Tabata
Chipper: workout with many reps and many movements. You chip away at it
CFT: CrossFit Total (Back squat, press, and deadlift)
C2B/T2B/K2E: Chest to bar pullups/Toes to bar/Knees to elbow
DOMS: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
GHD: Glute-Hamstring Developer
GPP: General Physical Preparedness
Hero WOD: workout named after someone who has fallen in the line of duty
The Girl WODs: Benchmark workouts with girl names
HSPU: Handstand Push up
Metcon: Metabolic Conditioning
PR: Personal Record
Pistol: One legged squat
Rep: repetition of a given exercise
UB: unbroken